What makes you feel secure? Our rental in Cape Town (South Africa) has multiple security systems. First, there’s the button on the key fob to open the gate to the property. Then there’s the wall and an electric fence
above it. Another button opens the security door; then you unlock the front door. All the doors here have security grills that unlock in 2 places; then the door itself unlocks – and remember this is inside the electrified wall/fence perimeter. All of the windows have bars – stylish, but bars nonetheless. Other buttons are for the security system. If you don’t remember to deactivate it before you enter, you and everyone else on the block will get a reminder to do so. Don’t push the red button because you will receive an “armed response.”
Property crime is a problem in South Africa, but not so bad that you have to cower inside a fortress. What we heard was that once someone puts up an electric fence, the insurance companies want everyone else on the block to do the same – or else their rates go up. Now it’s a race and everybody is running.
Mechanical and electrical security features may make you feel safer. But as long as “Us and Them” is the dominant mind set, how safe can any of us feel? The challenge is to build a community of “we” that works to keep all of us safe. After all, We can be stronger than Us and Them.
But security isn’t the only thing that makes life worthwhile. Step outside and look. There’s Table Mountain and Devil’s Peak leaping 1000 meters up from the coastal plain. What a sight! Cape Town is about as far south as Los Angeles is north, so the clement weather is appreciated. And it’s summer here.
To travel here. We were up at 5 AM, and got on the first of 3 airplanes at 10:40 AM. At 11:00 PM (local time) the next day, we arrived in Cape Town. Was it worth it? Totally!